Moving to Highlandtown, Baltimore City | Podcast Episode #13 - Living in Highlandtown is awesome

Episode 13 February 04, 2023 00:09:49
Moving to Highlandtown, Baltimore City | Podcast Episode #13 - Living in Highlandtown is awesome
Moving To Maryland
Moving to Highlandtown, Baltimore City | Podcast Episode #13 - Living in Highlandtown is awesome

Feb 04 2023 | 00:09:49


Hosted By

ron howard

Show Notes

In southeast Baltimore, Highlandtown has a long history of welcoming immigrants worldwide. The community comprises people from all professions and socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as long-term residents and newcomers. Join Ron, Nick & Megan as they discuss Highlandtown in Baltimore City.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:03 Welcome to another episode of Moving to Maryland. I'm here with Megan and Nick. Hey guys. Hello. Hey. Today we're gonna talk about Highlandtown. One of my favorite spots for live music is the creative lines. Yes. Have you guys ever been to a concert? Creative Lines? I Speaker 2 00:00:17 Saw a couple shows there. They weren't, um, music, but I've been there. I used to live right across the street. Speaker 1 00:00:22 Yeah. Art shows and mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 3 00:00:23 Right. A lot going on there. Speaker 1 00:00:25 Oh, it, it's, it's, it's a gem in Baltimore City, wouldn't you say? Speaker 2 00:00:28 It's an awesome neighborhood. Yeah. I really like it. Speaker 1 00:00:30 So, if you're gonna describe where Highland Town's located, where would you say, Speaker 2 00:00:34 So east side of the city, so it's just to the east of Patterson Park. So if you take Eastern Avenue all the way out, that's Main Street, Highland Town, and then as soon as you hit the bridge, that's when you've gone too far into Greek Town, and then it stretches northward all the way up from, uh, to like Baltimore and Fayette Street. So it's a really, really big neighborhood. Um, on the east side of the city. Speaker 1 00:00:55 Now, it's a, uh, arts district. Yes. That has some benefits for artists, but, uh, that sort of artsy vibe goes all the way from kids in the schools, their parents, the, uh, creative alliance. Like they just recently had the, the Lantern Parade, which is such a, it's one of my favorite Halloween artsy cool things to do, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:01:18 And they do, uh, Friday nights they do an art walk, um, in Highland Town off of like Golf Street, where people who own either local artists or people who own shops or boutiques, they go outside. They put all their art and everything right out front, so people walk by, check it out. It's really, really Speaker 3 00:01:35 Cool. My favorite is seeing all the, um, murals on the buildings. I mean, you go by all the streets and there's something so different. You take some aside alleys and you see another thing. Like, it's just incredible to kind of, it really does highlight creativity and inspiration in that neighborhood. Speaker 1 00:01:57 So Highlandtown has a history of welcoming immigrants. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Now, back years ago it was, you know, European, and now we have, um, you know, Latino mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's, it's, so, it's got such a, uh, diverse cultural aspect of it that, um, I love that it, that, uh, it's hard to think of another neighborhood that has all of that. Speaker 3 00:02:20 Right. I agree. Speaker 2 00:02:22 Yeah. I mean, it, it is awesome. And then, and it really translates into the culture in terms of what you can get in Highlandtown, especially with the large Latin influence. I mean, there's so many great in terms of, you know, as somebody likes to eat tons of awesome restaurants, there's Latin groceries stores, um, you know, anything that you would want. And it really, you know, helps for me sell people to Highland Town who want a really good cultural experience. Speaker 1 00:02:49 Yeah. I mean, it, it, it's, um, you know, you go down Eastern Avenue and you have such a range of, uh, restaurants who have, uh, you know, uh, Vietnamese, I mean, it's just, uh, you know, the TAs. Mm-hmm. All, all of the, um, it's, it's one of the, if you haven't been there, you really gotta check it out because there are just so many really good spots. A lot of them are, are small that you wouldn't, you know, you would pass by, drive 'em down the road and not realize like, amazing food is in that place. That's the best spots though. Francesco's Speaker 2 00:03:18 Espana. Yeah. You have, I mean, let's just get right into it. I mean, I, I could on both my hands count, you know, all the great restaurants you have, Matthews Pizza, which Speaker 1 00:03:27 Is world Speaker 2 00:03:27 Famous and institution, they've been there forever. Uh, right on Eastern Avenue you have Sally O's, which is probably one of, of probably my favorite restaurant in the city. The Top Chef alum, you know, she creates awesome, awesome food. Speaker 1 00:03:42 Um, right there in Conlin, Speaker 2 00:03:43 Uh, you're right on golf and Conlin Street. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. Um, you know, you have Francesca Zan Bananas, like you said, there's tons of great options. Snake Hill too, which is awesome. Yeah. Um, chicken Ricoh, which is Peruvian rotisserie chicken. I mean, I can, I can really, I can really go on. I can't say enough about the good, the good food in the neighborhood. Speaker 1 00:04:01 Yeah. There, there, there's so much. Um, you know, the, the Venice, which Speaker 2 00:04:06 Venice Tavern, Speaker 1 00:04:06 A very, uh, well-known dive bar mm-hmm. <affirmative> that they love mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's a basement bar. Yeah. Very affordable, super, super eclectic crowd in their It is. They're such a, uh, some of my coolest friends, uh, and they're not trying to be cool. They're just cool, like live in Highland Town, you know, it's such a tight-knit community of RT people, a lot of people, you know, that, that, uh, work in, uh, the movie industry, which was pretty big here for a wild movie TV industry with The Wire and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, homicide life on the streets, and, uh, just really, uh, rt, you, no, they do the, uh, the basement tour, the, the Highland Town Basement tour mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which you get it into some of these really cool houses that they're decorated so differently. It's, it's, have you guys been on that? Speaker 2 00:04:53 I have not, but I have not. I haven't heard. It's the first time I've heard about it, actually. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:57 I think it's coming up in a week or so. I got to go online, check it out. We were a sponsor for it many years. They stopped doing it during Covid. Sure. But it, it, it's back. Uh, you know, the other nice thing about Highlandtown is you're close to all of the amenities of Brewers Hill and Canton. So Speaker 2 00:05:14 You and Patterson Speaker 1 00:05:15 Park, Patterson Park, I mean, they Highland town with Clay Patterson Park, just as well as Speaker 2 00:05:18 Exactly. Yeah. Can't Speaker 1 00:05:20 Everybody, bushers Speaker 2 00:05:20 Hill, everybody claims it. It is, it is a really good accessible neighborhood, like you said. I mean, you just go right down con cleaner Haven Street. You have Canton Crossing there with the Target and all your grocery options. And, you know, for people who commute, it's easy to get onto 8 95, 6 95. Um, you know, even going downtown, you take Eastern or Baltimore Street right back down into downtown, you get to 83. Um, so it's a super accessible neighborhood. It's a really, you know, a really good central spot on the east side of Baltimore. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:50 Yeah. Well, really, really strong walkability and, um, just so much more. Well, I like to say that, um, Highlandtown is real. It's a, it's, the people I meet there are, are real, it's not a propped up facade. Authentic. It's authentic. It's tight knit. Um, I, I, I love Highlandtown. It's one of my favorite, like I have said a lot of times about other neighborhoods. Yeah. Um, I think it's a phenomenal investment opportunity for housing, Speaker 3 00:06:22 I think. Oh, absolutely. Speaker 1 00:06:23 Because you get all of the amenities and access to a lot of cool spots, if not more, uh, closer, you know, the, the, the Highland town, um, amenities, um, then say Canton, which is dramatically more expensive. Right. So the affordability, it's, it's a great spot. A lot of people, you hear about the popular neighborhoods, Canton, and then you got Brewers Hill mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which has become a very popular neighborhood. But you look at Highlandtown, the southern parts of Highlandtown, the pricing has gone up, and then the, the, the central part, and then as you get more northern is still a lot of affordability. Speaker 3 00:06:57 Absolutely. My favorite part is right on Ellwood, uh, facing West to the park. If you get on some of those rooftop decks, you have the most amazing view of Patterson Park. It is incredible. Speaker 2 00:07:09 Yeah. And of downtown too. And, and, you know, bring back your point, Ron. I mean, Highland Town is really having a renaissance right now. I mean, people are seeing the neighborhood for what it is, and people are falling in love with it and wanting to move there, because like you said, people are getting priced out of Canton. You know, the houses are becoming really expensive, but you still want that same neighborhood feel and something that's a little bit different, that's a little bit more cultural, that's a little bit more exciting. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and people are really flocking to Highland Town now. It's having, it's, it is having, it's it's day, which Speaker 3 00:07:37 Is nice. And a lot of the homes too have some of those chap tax credits mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which is also, you know, driving a lot of people towards Highland Town as well. Speaker 1 00:07:44 Yeah. So I did a neighborhood tour with, uh, pastor Mark Parker, and he is just a, uh, amazing person, but, um, definitely a great salesperson for Highland Town. And one of the places we went to was the library, and it was like the first day of voting mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So was, uh, you had a lot of people, a lot, a lot of action. But the library there, what's the name of the anchor library? Southeast. Speaker 2 00:08:08 Southeast Anchor Library. Speaker 1 00:08:09 Anchor Library, uh, is like a cultural hub that, uh, is, is like a community center, so much more than a library. I mean, it's a library, but it has meeting rooms, uh, community groups meet there. There's just, um, so many really interesting people that, that, uh, I know through Highlandtown. I mean, it's, it's literally the only neighborhood that I have a sweatshirt repping <laugh> the neighborhood, because I just think it's, it, it is just one of those really, really cool neighborhoods. It's like Station North a little bit, you know? Yeah. In the, the, the arts district. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:08:42 Absolutely. Speaker 2 00:08:43 For sure. Speaker 1 00:08:44 So, um, with the types of housing, I mean, you certainly, it's, it's all more affordable than the more southern neighborhoods of Brewers Hill and Canton. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but, uh, there's, there may be a, a condo building, but it would be a small one, right? Not really. There Speaker 2 00:09:00 Are a few apartment buildings there, actually. Many apartments. Yeah. So you have 1 0 1 Elwood, which was the old Patterson High School. They turned those into apartments. And then you have right on Eastern Avenue, Highland House, which are newer, they were built probably around 20 14, 20 15. Um, you know, there's a little bit of a highrise, but there's some good, affordable apartment options. But a lot of it is, is, is housing. You know, your, your typical, you know, townhouses, Speaker 1 00:09:24 Right? And it's a mix of rentals and mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, uh, a lot every year there's more and more owner occupants, right? Yes, Speaker 2 00:09:30 Absolutely. Speaker 1 00:09:31 So hot town's a great neighborhood. We are all real estate agents with the Greatest Moves team. If you want us, or if you'd love to see Highland Town or any of the surrounding neighborhoods, reach out to us. Our contact info is in this post. We hope to see you soon. Take care.

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