Moving to Brewers Hill, Baltimore City | Podcast Episode #10 Enjoy great walkability in Brewers Hill

Episode 10 January 27, 2023 00:11:17
Moving to Brewers Hill, Baltimore City | Podcast Episode #10 Enjoy great walkability in Brewers Hill
Moving To Maryland
Moving to Brewers Hill, Baltimore City | Podcast Episode #10 Enjoy great walkability in Brewers Hill

Jan 27 2023 | 00:11:17


Hosted By

ron howard

Show Notes

Baltimore City's Brewers Hill neighborhood is known for its charming brick row houses, tree-lined streets, and convenient location. With easy access to public transportation, residents can commute to downtown Baltimore or other parts of the city. During this podcast, Ron, Nick & Megan discuss a great neighborhood in the Southeast of Baltimore City.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:03 Welcome to another episode of Moving to Maryland. Today we're gonna talk about Brewers Hill. I got Megan and Nick. Hey guys. Hey. How's it going? So I'm in Brewers Hill at least once or twice a week, and we go to Gunther and Co. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's one of our favorite restaurants. Uh, Jerry and Nancy, shout out to you guys. It's phenomenal. Uh, it's really, uh, a fine dining type food in a, in a, in a really eclectic, uh, used to be a brewery atmosphere, uh, really cool space. They're really fantastic with our two year old. Um, and I wanted to put that out there. So Speaker 2 00:00:42 <laugh> not Speaker 1 00:00:43 Sponsored, not not sponsored, but like, but maybe I'm in that neighborhood often for, for that particular reason. And it's, they're, they're so good and they're at that high level. It's like a hybrid, right. Like really, really good food. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> really, really good, you know? And, um, their, their staff is so good. Yeah. They're, Speaker 3 00:01:02 Uh, I mean, that's why we had our, like, I had our rehearsal dinner there and for many reasons, like you're saying, but like, it has that high kind of like city feel, but Awesome. Just elevated as well, if you wanna kind of reach that. Speaker 1 00:01:15 Yeah. They're, their menus always changing, uh, Jerry's and they're just great. They're, they're, they're good people. Good place. So let's talk about Brewers Hill, actually. Speaker 2 00:01:25 <laugh> <laugh> back to the, back to the task at hand. Speaker 1 00:01:29 I just wanted, you know, that's, that's, so sometimes people and, um, businesses make that kinda impact on you. So, great. Um, sweet. So, well Speaker 3 00:01:38 Moving on. Speaker 1 00:01:38 Moving on. So, you know, one of the things I think about Brewers Hill and you we're in a cluster neighborhood, sometimes it sounds like we're talking about the same neighborhood. Yeah. Cuz it's walkable. It's this, it's that. And it could have been, we could have been talking about like 10 different places. Yeah. I like in the Southeast Brewers Hill has that really, uh, easy access to get out of the city. So if you want, like, if you, if you're, you know, if you want real easy access to the highways in and out of the city, like it obviously is located on the eastern edge of the southeast part of Baltimore. Right, right. Speaker 2 00:02:09 Yeah. Just to the east of Canton. Exactly. So it's, you know, you have Conkling Street, which basically is the, you know, the cutoff point between Canton and Brewers, but you're exactly right. You know, 8 95, 95 going north and south through the tunnels. Super duper easy to get to. You go up Haven Street if you need to go through, go into downtown mm-hmm. <affirmative>, instead of taking Boston Street, it's a great little artery neighborhood to get where you need to go. Right. Which is great. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:02:34 Absolutely. Speaker 1 00:02:34 So one of the things that's happened, y y you know, we talk about this in a lot of neighborhoods too. Like, Canton was like that super popular neighborhood. Brewers Hill was not as well known. Little quieter, a little more affordable. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they got their chap tax credit approved years later. That spurred a lot of development, um, renovations and new construction. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. And, we'll, we'll talk about real estate a little bit later. I don't want to get into that too now, but the, the, the retail and the shopping and the stores and Canton Crossing and, and Brewers Hill, like it's become in this area, it's become a destination for going to target, you know, all sorts of things. Right. Speaker 3 00:03:11 Yeah. I mean, it's been blooming. So, I mean, I'm, I moved here about three years ago and I mean, even from three years ago, stores and restaurants have been just been popping up there. Huge apartments. I know we're gonna get into real estate later, but, you know, just, it's continuing to develop and continuing to grow, which is incredible. Speaker 2 00:03:29 Yeah. I mean, watching it, you know, I lived in Canton for six years before I moved across, but watching all of the development happen, you know, from Target to Nordstrom Rack, you know, sprouts, grocery stores, everything you know, that you would need pop up and flourish in this neighborhood, actually I think makes Brewers Hill a little bit more desirable because it actually, from certain places in Canton, it's, it's a shorter walk if you really wanna walk. I mean, if you're gonna be going to three, four stores, I don't think you can carry like 20 bags from Target to your house. But I've seen people try. Speaker 1 00:03:59 You could, couple years ago, I mean, actually this is my, like 10 years ago, or no, I don't know, eight, eight years ago maybe. Um, it was Christmas and somebody came to my house and they're like, God, you're screwed. You don't have Christmas decorations. And I googled Christmas decorations and found Michael's. It's like a craft store. Speaker 3 00:04:15 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:04:15 I've never been at a craft store in my life. I went in there, I bought a whole, I bought a whole mini city. Uh, I have the best Christmas decorations from that point on cuz I, you know, I was, Speaker 2 00:04:26 Michael's has good stuff. They do. I love my, yeah. Michaels has good stuff. My mom always just take me as a kid. Speaker 1 00:04:31 We, we do all our framing there. Right. You know, for framing artwork. I'm like, I love a craft. You know, I've never, I've never been in a craft store. You Speaker 2 00:04:38 Do you have a, do you have a craft that you like to do? Like you a painter? Are you a knitter, quilting? Speaker 1 00:04:42 I'm, I'm getting into, uh, knitting socks. Speaker 2 00:04:45 Really? Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:46 Yeah. I'm working interesting. Working on a pair of a pair in a couple weeks. Okay. Um, it's certainly a walkable community. Right. It doesn't have a, a Canton Square. Right. Um, in, in the proper neighborhood, you would say from like, uh, you know, just above Eastern Avenue. I think the technical boundary down into, you know, the Brewers Hill area, you know, O'Donnell Street area mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, a lot of historic row homes, but some, some, some new development there. Right. Speaker 3 00:05:13 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think a lot of the times, it's really interesting cuz again, I feel like we say this with every neighborhood, but you have that mix between historic and new homes. But also, I mean, for me, if somebody's looking to rent, especially in Baltimore, I direct them straight to Brewers Hill because there are so many apartment complexes there. And that's where you can kind of get to know the neighborhood and Baltimore City too. Speaker 2 00:05:35 Yeah. There's, there's tons of them. You know, like Brewers Hill was, as you would think, it was a brewery. National Bohemian was there, you know, so a lot of it was all industrial. And when National Bohemian left there became tons of development opportunity, which has led to all this shopping and all these brand new awesome apartments with all these great amenities. So it's, it's a great place for people who just wanna kind of get their feet wet in the, the city and, you know, be able to have a gym, a pool, all those kinds of things. And not really have to leave. But a lot of people do set down roots here in Brewers Hill, especially because of the housing options. Speaker 1 00:06:09 Right. And I, I, and, and it's funny cuz we keep on like talking about real estate. I didn't, I I meant to really get into like, the walkability of how you can walk to your favorite restaurant and how you can, uh, you can walk down to the shops and all, all that kind of stuff. Of course. Uh, certainly, um, years ago, uh, I was on top of the Natty Bow Tower and it was during a, uh, I think it was the Blue Angels were, were flying around and I was, uh, with a couple friends and, uh, Wells ibr, who is the, the developer of that whole, you know, the whole Brewer's Hill. Uh, we were looking down and they were building, they were, they were on the framing stage of two apartment buildings. Um, I think one's called The Porter now. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, they've been called different things. Speaker 1 00:06:50 Um, they had originally did the Domain, which was at the, took off, uh, horseradish Factory. They had been there for years and years. If you'd been, you know, if you'd been in Canton. Cuz they're right at the, you know, they're on Conlin Street, so they're right at y you know, so whatever the case we're, we're, we're looking over and I was looking at these two buildings. I was like, Hey, did you guys study this? Is, is there a need? And they're like, well, the first building rented out so fast that that's the study. Right. You know, and <laugh>, so they built those two buildings and then there's, there's more buildings. And so it's a phenomenal, I've met so many people that come into town working at, you know, whether it's Bayview Hopkins or, or, um, Hopkins, uh, just north of, north of us here in Phys Point or wherever where they can rent for six months, get a feel for the neighborhood, and then decide whether they wanna buy in Brewers Hill or anywhere else that, that they, um, but it has become like a haven for apartments, hasn't it? Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:07:45 <affirmative>. Yes, it has. Yeah. Yeah. Just because of, you know, like, like you said, those development opportunities are old industrial spaces, you know? Right. Transform them into something new, to bring new life into these neighborhoods. Speaker 1 00:07:56 And nightlife in Brewers Hill is, uh, gonna be spread out a little bit. Right. It's gonna be, it's gonna remind me of like, uh, little friends bars where like everybody in the, like a little four or five block radis probably hang out at a, at a, a place in particular. But you're literally a a, a fi two to five minute Uber drive to Canton Square. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:19 Yeah. My, my friend lives in Brewers. We, I helped him purchase his house last year, so we love to go to Hucks. It's right around the corner from his house. That's a great place. But like you said, I mean, we walked Sunday for the Ravens game, um, and we walked to the Square and that was only, I'd say like a 12 minute walk. So you're still really close if you do want to have more options. But within the neighborhood you do have, like I said, hucks in a lot of great little places, you know, kind of scattered, scattered throughout. So there's great options. Speaker 1 00:08:47 You cannot walk two blocks in Brewers Hill without hitting a pretty decent bar slash restaurant. Yes. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> <affirmative> definitely. Sure. And, and if you keep on going, if you go up in Highland Town, it's gonna happen if you, um, well you take a longer walk into Greek Town and hit a whole bunch of mm-hmm. <affirmative> restaurants over there. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but let, so let's talk about real estate now. So there's a lot of new construction development over there that Long Haven Street, right? Mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:09:15 <affirmative>. Yeah. I think the best part, like with that new construction is y you're with other new construction like shops, grocery stores. Like, to me, sprouts was the best thing that ever happened. <laugh>, I love Sprouts. Um, but you know, with all that new construction, you're still so close to like major grocery stores. There's BJ's, which is just across the railroad tracks. Um, you also are close to, uh, I think there's like a urgent care over there. You know, you just, it's a prime development spot to lay roots rent there, but also be close to everything. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:09:51 A lot's happening. It's, you know, it's, well, there's different sectors. Uh, um, you know, brewers Hill used to be all renovations and then some new construction popped up that, and really much higher price points than they'd ever hit in that neighborhood. You know, they were like in the three 50 range and all of a sudden they were selling like $700,000 Yeah. Row houses. And then, you know, then some more developers came in with some more affordable 400 to 500. But, uh, the, the difference, the affordability that used to be there, uh, compared to Canton, um, in a very similar way that we would compare Locust Point to Federal Hill. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, both, both of those areas. The, the difference is no longer that big a difference. Right. Um, for many reasons than the new construction, uh, getting chap tax credits approved in those, in those neighborhoods, which really drives demand to get, you know, keep your taxes lower, which allows people to afford more. Right. Speaker 3 00:10:46 Yep. Speaker 1 00:10:47 So, uh, we are all real estate engines with, with the Greatest Moves team. Uh, we are in and out of Brewers Hill weekly, if not daily. We would love to show you around Brewers Hill, whether you're looking for an apartment to come into town, check it out, check out the neighborhood, feel what you know, what the city's all about. Uh, we can show you any of the neighborhoods around Brewers Hill, any of the areas around the Baltimore Beltway. Look forward to helping you, our contact infos in this post. Take care. We'll see you next episode.

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