Moving to Butcher's Hill | Podcast Episode #6 | Living in Butchers Hill is great if you love parks

Episode 6 January 18, 2023 00:08:41
Moving to Butcher's Hill | Podcast Episode #6 | Living in Butchers Hill is great if you love parks
Moving To Maryland
Moving to Butcher's Hill | Podcast Episode #6 | Living in Butchers Hill is great if you love parks

Jan 18 2023 | 00:08:41


Hosted By

ron howard

Show Notes

Butcher's Hill is an excellent neighborhood due to its historical significance, charming architecture, and friendly community. The area is known for its 19th-century rowhouses, many of which have been beautifully preserved, and the tree-lined streets give it a quaint and welcoming atmosphere. Megan, Ron, and Nick share why they love Butchers Hill! 

O:443-573-9222 / [email protected] /

Ron Howard and The Greatest Moves Team RE/MAX Advantage Realty 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:03 Welcome to another episode of Moving to Maryland. I'm here with Nick and Megan. Hello. Speaker 2 00:00:08 How's it Speaker 1 00:00:08 Going? Good. How? How's it going guys? Great. Speaker 2 00:00:10 Pretty Speaker 1 00:00:10 Good. So we're gonna talk about a neighborhood today that I think is a favorite of both of you. It Speaker 2 00:00:16 Is. Yep. Speaker 1 00:00:17 Yep. Butchers, butchers Hill. Yep. Speaker 2 00:00:18 Butchers Hill. So, so to give people a little bit of background, butcher's Hill is a little bit more of a heart of the city neighborhood. Um, and it's just north of Fells Point on the east side of the city. So it borders Patterson Park on the east, so it's the west side of Patterson Park. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and it's just south of Johns Hopkins. So it kind of, you have Lombard Street, Fairmount Pratt kind of cutting right through the heart of that neighborhood. But a lot of people like that neighborhood because it is more of a kind of residential neighborhood, but you're still close through, you know, the park and places like Fells Point. So you're still close enough to the action, but still being, you know, far enough away where you're not getting a lot of Speaker 3 00:01:00 That noise. Right. No, I agree. If, if you don't wanna be in that action where Fails Point and Canton is Butchers Hill, uh, is where you wanna be, it's definitely quieter, but it also is really close to, like you said, Johns Hopkins, university of Maryland Medical Center, um, and also really good access to just downtown Baltimore, like Mount Vernon area. Speaker 2 00:01:17 Yeah. Having Fayette and Lumbar Street takes you right down into downtown. So if you ha you need to go north for work up to like Mount Vernon, you just take 83. Yeah. It's right there. And if you have to go east, you know, more towards like Bayview and a lot of like where the Biosciences neighborhoods are, you just take those streets all the way through. Yeah. Um, so it's a really easy commuting neighborhood because you have big, nice streets cutting right through the neighborhood. Speaker 1 00:01:41 Right. It is one of my favorite neighborhoods too. Yeah. But I say that in every neighborhood that we do, they're my favorite favorites. Starting, you know, it, and there is a fuzzy bor, a fuzzy border. Mm. Right. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, so you have Upper Fells Point that kind of encroaches into, uh, butchers Hill, and then you, you have, um, you know, just, uh, it's really hard to figure out exactly where the border is. Everybody calls it a little bit different. Yeah. But whatever the case, it's, um, the walkability there is, is fantastic. The, uh, less hustle bustle than mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, like you guys said is, is, is great. And, um, you know, when, when you're at a concert in Paris Park right there at the Pagoda and watching all of the people streaming out of Butchers Hill, and you can see 'em coming from Canton and Paterson Park, uh, and Highland Town and, and, you know, everywhere else mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But it's really cool to just see everybody get so involved in the community that's built around the park. And let's talk about the park and the access. I mean, it's such a great, um, green space for everybody, but especially, uh, butchers Hill. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:02:40 I mean, it's very close. I mean, if you have a dog or wanna walk or drag in that area, I mean, you are a couple blocks over. I mean, you are there, you're good to go. You can play volleyball. There's Volo sports that do a lot of activities and games over there at Patterson Park. So it's, it's a really great space to be active. Speaker 2 00:02:58 Not to mention all the events, you know, the concerts in the park, they do the, the, the beer fest in the fall. Um, you know, there's the Ukrainian Festival. There's all sorts of things that go on year round there that you just can hop over, you know, any time and just as long as you, you know, stay current as to what events going on. Yeah. You know, everything's right there. Speaker 1 00:03:17 Yeah. Friends of Paris Park has a great site and, um, you know, one of the, um, things I love about the area is, um, it's, you know, we're, we're talking about Butchers Hill, but it's really like the Paris Park area. All of the Yeah. Four neighborhoods that's surround, that park are just kind of like one big community now and mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, that's, that's something I, I I really enjoy. It's, it's so charming to, um, you know, all, all the different factions come to the concerts and you're meeting people from Harrison Park and Highlandtown and can't, it's just all a big blend. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:03:50 It is. And, and to say, you know, where that neighborhood is doesn't mean that you don't have amenities. I mean, there's so many great little neighborhood spots in, in that neighborhood, so you don't necessarily wanna, I don't want to tell people that you're an isolated neighborhood because you do have so many, you know, great little restaurants and bars. I mean, you have, you know, places like La Barita, which is an Argentinian restaurant. You have Marta, you have, um, my favorite bar in Baltimore Butts and Betty's, it's a cash only little pool bar that, you know, there's nothing but like old school people that hang out there and you hear great Speaker 1 00:04:22 Stories. What about Ministry of Bruin? I thought that was Speaker 2 00:04:23 Your favorite. Yeah, that too. Well, that's, that's more of a brewery than a bar. So Speaker 1 00:04:27 Let's slow, let's, let's you, you went over a bunch of places. La Barita phenomenal, phenomenal food. It is. And, and, and, uh, it's so good. You're like, wow, am I really in like a small Baltimore sitting neighborhood? It right. It mm-hmm. <affirmative> the food is, uh, feels like, you know, a place that should be in a more high pri profile mm-hmm. <affirmative> location, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. And then Marta is like, um, supposed to be really, really good. I haven't got over, got over there yet, but Ha has anybody been there yet? I Speaker 2 00:04:53 Haven't been there Speaker 1 00:04:54 By itself, but I know, it's Speaker 2 00:04:55 Amazing. Yeah. Amazing food. I've, I've been, it's really, it's very nice. Yeah. It's a small little spot. Uh, the old restaurant there called Salt was a neighborhood staple for a really, really long time and fun anecdote. Was the head chef there? He was married to my high school, or is married to my high school English teacher. So I, we of course, you know, figure that out. And he works at Tame Street Oyster House now, which is, you know, uh, uh, you know, a great restaurant in Fells Point too, but Right. It's nice that that space became reimagined as something that the neighborhood can really kind of anchor down. Speaker 1 00:05:26 Yeah. And you know, if you work at Johns Hopkins, you can walk there. It's a, it's a, it's like a five, 10 minute walk to Johns Hopkins. Right. Speaker 2 00:05:34 Yeah. It's a, it's a big neighborhood for people who actually work at that hospital. Yes. Because it is a five minute, 10 minute walk depending on where you live in that neighborhood to work. So a lot of doctors, surgeons, nurses, all live in that neighborhood. Speaker 1 00:05:46 Right. E even, you know, regular, uh, Hopkins employees as well mm-hmm. That are non-doctors, nurses. True. Right. But, um, absolutely schools, yeah. Not, not, not a bad school selection or, or around in Butchers Hills as well as, uh, close by. Right, Speaker 3 00:06:00 Right. I mean, you have Patterson Park, uh, charter House or, um, yeah, public charter, excuse me. And then also Wall Street Academy, which is right in Butchers Hill. Speaker 1 00:06:08 Yeah. Right. And then, uh, the, the elementary school just north of is, uh, what's that Commodor town? Speaker 3 00:06:13 Commodor, John Rodgers. Speaker 1 00:06:14 Yep. Commodor Town Rogers. Yeah. Um, um, so let's talk about, um, real estate options. Speaker 3 00:06:22 Sure, sure, Speaker 2 00:06:24 Sure. Do you wanna do it or I'll take care Speaker 3 00:06:26 Of it? Well, I mean, basically they're, you know, you have your mix of, you know, a few condos, but mainly you're gonna have these beautiful brick like row homes. Some of them are small down the alley and others are just beautiful, gorgeous large homes. Speaker 2 00:06:37 Yeah. On, on the main streets, like Fayette Lumbard, Baltimore Street, you get these gorgeous three story Speaker 1 00:06:43 Pr Pratt Street. Prat Speaker 2 00:06:45 Street. Yes. Um, these gorgeous three story townhomes that, um, you know, are all brick front. They're really, really large. You know, they're three, four bedrooms, 3000 square feet, some of them. Um, and then you do have, like Megan said, these smaller alley streets, if you're looking for more of a one bedroom kind of two bedroom option, you know, they're right on Alley Streets. They're really quiet and they're great for, for younger people looking to kind of live in the city for the first time. Right. And explore the neighborhood. Um, you know, there's a lot of great housing options there. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:07:14 Yeah. I mean, down Paris Park Avenue, which is Park Front. Yeah. You have some really big 20 foot wide houses, um, courtyards mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, you know, two car garages with, with uh, you know, like an apartment above the garage. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> really mansion type places. And, and, uh, and as well as a long, you know, the, uh, main Streets, Lombard and Pratt and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, Baltimore Street and, and, uh, so there is a, a really big range, right? Like you can get an alley town home for 150, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and you know, do a park front for uh, 850,000. Speaker 3 00:07:46 Yes. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:47 And considering for, you know, a house like that, if we're talking more of the larger options, it's super affordable, you know, like you said, a park front for 800,000. When you think of, you know, in other parts of the city or even places like DC where a lot of people are moving, it's half the price, right? Yeah. For the same exact house. Yep. Speaker 1 00:08:04 Well that's, uh, you know, one of the cool things about Butchers Hill is it's a little bit less expensive than Fells Point and Canton. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So if you still want to be close, right, you know, but uh, want to get a better price point and more and bang for the buck in the house, you certainly go that way, right? Speaker 3 00:08:18 Absolutely. Speaker 1 00:08:19 So, you know, we are all real estate agents and we have an office in Fells Point, which is just two minutes away from Butchers Hill. We would love to show you around any of these harbor neighborhoods anywhere around the Baltimore Metro. Um, so give us a call, reach out, we'd love to show you around. Take care. Bye-bye.

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